Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chapters 7 & 8 (Due Friday 12.6.13)

1. What do Billy and Cutwater gather to write the note?
2. Why can't the prince write? Why is that surprising to Billy and Cutwater?
3. What does 'flummox' mean? On what page can it be found? Who is flummoxed?
4. Who does Jemmy pretend to be? Why does it work?
5. What does 'sullenly' mean? On what page can it be found? Who feels sullen? Why?
6. What does Jemmy suggest to the outlaws to change their bribe to? Why do you think he does this?


  1. 2.Because he does not pay attention in writing class.Because all princes are suppose to write their names.Ryan

  2. 2~He cant wright because he does not pay attention in class.Bill and Cutwater are surprised because princes are suppose to wright there names. ~Piper

  3. 3. jemmy pretends to be the prince, it works because jemmy can write -max

  4. 2 . because he did not pay attention in writing calls it surprise them because a price go to school . ~ Rosealy

  5. 5.It means gloomy or somber in tone. Its found on page 23.~Kiernan

  6. 3 Jemmy he like is pretending to be the prince, it works very well and he could also write like a prince.~Dejuan
